Why Colombian Cold Brew Coffee Might Be Your New Favorite Type Of Coffee

What is Colombian Cold Brew Coffee?

Colombian cold brew coffee is a rich and delicious beverage that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Unlike traditional hot brew methods, cold brewing relies on time rather than heat to extract the complex flavors and aromas of the coffee beans. This results in a smoother and full-bodied brew with fewer acidic notes. In addition, cold brew coffee is typically brewed using only the finest Colombian beans, carefully selected for their outstanding flavor and aroma.

Whether enjoyed plain, with milk or your favorite cream Colombian cold brew coffee is a incredibly satisfying drink that any coffee lover will enjoy. So if you're looking for a quality brew that's sure to please, look no further than Colombian cold brew coffee!

The history of Cold Brew Coffee

The history of cold brew coffee can be traced back to the Dutch, who introduced their cold brew method in 1820s to the Japanese and that’s where the Kyoto-style cold brew coffee was invented. As time when on other variation of cold brew coffee came one along, one of them being the “Mazargan”; In the 1840’s this was a cold brew coffee made with lemon and became popular for people who traveled through the desert.

Cold Brew coffee had another influence in the 1930s when Cuba reinvented the cold brew process. However, coffee concentrates did not become popular in coffee shops until the 90s; Long after Todd Simpson in 1960 invented the Toddy Brewing system and introduced cold brew coffee to the people of Peru during a trip to South America.

Finally cold brew coffee skyrocketed decades later after big chains like Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts stared serving cold brew to their customers. In 2017, the US revealed its annual cold brew coffee growth figures to be at a staggering +370%. (Source)

What makes our Colombian cold brew coffee great?

Cold brew coffee is made by steeping coarsely ground beans in cold water for a prolonged period of time, typically 12 hours or more. During this steeping process, the cold water extracts a range of compounds from the coffee beans, resulting in a coffee concentrate that can be diluted with water or milk to create a delicious cup of cold brew.

Our cold brew is made by steeping our premium medium roast grounds in room temperature water for 20+ hours. Since the ground coffee never touches hot water, it leaves you with a cup with low acidity and super smooth, without losing its strong flavor.

When you try PuroTinto’s Cold Brew Coffee, you can taste the notes of caramel, panela and berries in this brewing process. Serving our customers fresh and high-quality product is at the core of our mission, therefore our coffee beans are imported in small batches and our cold brew is made weekly to ensure the freshness of our product.

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